Jeg har længe drømt om dette øjeblik

20-04-2015 05:04

Schweiziske Steve Guerdat var en glad mand, da han blev hædret med Longines FEI World Cup 2015-vindertitlen i Thomas & Mack arena i Las Vegas i USA i nat

Nr. 2 Penelope Leprevost fra Frankrig, vinderen Steve Guerdat fra Schweiz og den tredjeplacerede Bertram Allen fra Irland. Foto: FEI/Dirk Caremans.

 - Jeg har ventet længe på dette øjeblik, sagde den 32-årige OL-vinder, der som sidste rytter i omspringningen leverede en ægte gyser.

Han kom ind i dagens konkurrence ved at føre på lige fod med amerikanske Rich Fellers, men det var franske Penelope Leprevost, der endte med at tage andenpladsen i finalen foran den kun 19-årige irer Bertram Allen.

- Jeg har mange gange prøvet på at vinde, og jeg har været tæt på flere gange. Det er tredje gang, at jeg har ført konkurrencen inden finalen, og i dag havde jeg nær misset sejren igen, da jeg red som en cowboy mod den sidste forhindring. Jeg er så lykkelig - jeg føler mig meget heldig, udtalte Steve Guerdat efter World Cup-sejren.

- Jeg har været på podiet tre gange, to gange i omspringningen og har altid sluttet i top 10. Jeg har altid villet vinde World Cuppen. Jeg har gode mennesker omkring mig, som holder mig rolig og selvsikker. Det kræver også held, men det er vigtigt, at man bliver ved med at tro på sig selv og sin hest, og når man har været så tæt på at vinde så mange gange, så har man også forjent at vinde én gang, udtalte den sympatiske vinder, da han stod med sit trofæ.

Hør Steve Guerdat fortælle om omspringningen HER

Se hele den engelske pressemeddelelse HER



Facts and Figures

Olympic champion, Switzerland's Steve Guerdat, won the 37th Longines FEI World Cup™ Jumping Final 2015 in Las Vegas, USA today.

29 horse-and-rider combinations started the final class which consisted of two rounds over two different courses.

20 went through to the second round.

Time-allowed in round 1 was 71 seconds, in round 2 it was 68 seconds

6 clears in the opening round, no clears in the second round today.

Riders competed in reverse order of merit in both rounds.

The new Longines FEI World Cup™ Jumping champion, Steve Guerdat, stood on the podium three times previously - he was third with Tresor at the 2007 Final in Las Vegas, second in 2012 with Nino des Buissonnets in Den Bosch (NED) and second again in Gothenburg, Sweden in 2013 with Nino des Buissonnets.

74,390 spectators attended the FEI World Cup™ Finals at the Thomas & Mack arena in Las Vegas, USA this week.


FEI First Vice-President and Chair Jumping Committee, John Madden - “my impression of this event is wow! It’s been a fantastic week of fantastic sport. The drama in the final, such close competition and such movement on the leaderboard. The horses jumped really well and almost anything could have happened in that last round!”

Beezie Madden USA, who finished fourth - “I have a fantastic team behind me and I’m so happy with the way my horse went. One rail down today cost me a lot but it’s been a fantastic week. I want to thank Las Vegas and Longines because we’ve all had a great time.”

Steve Guerdat SUI, talking about his choice of horse for this year’s Final - “Paille has always had very good results. We had a great winter season, every 5-Star Grand Prix but Bordeaux was clear rounds and so I decided she should make the trip to Vegas, saving Nino (his Olympic ride) for the European Championships.”

Penelope Leprevost FRA - “Mine is a nice horse with a good mind, and it was all easy for her this week.”

Bertram Allen IRL - “I knew I was in with a reasonable chance this week, thankfully it went really well to plan and it’s great to be on the podium today.”

Steve Guerdat SUI - “My horse belongs to Albfuehrens Stud, they have a hotel and restaurant in Germany but it’s only 40 minutes from my place, over the border in Switzerland. They bought the horse three years ago and someone else rode her. I was very lucky when they asked me to take over the ride.”

Bertram Allen IRL - “In the first round I made a mistake but felt she (Molly Malone) jumped quite good, but the second round was a bad round - I got much too close to fence two. But I’m very happy to be here. I’ve had a great week and feel honoured to be sitting up her with these riders at this young age.”

Steve Guerdat SUI - “I want Thomas Fuchs to come and have a drink with me, he is the most important man in my life and I love him to bits.”
Anna Pørtner

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