Helgstrand Dressage titelsponsor ved WEG 2018

02-09-2018 16:36

Danske Helgstrand Dressage annonceres som titelsponsor i dressurdisciplinen ved FEI World Equestrian Games™ Tryon 2018

Copyright Ridehesten.com
Andreas Helgstrand ved UVM 2018.
Nyheden fortsætter efter annoncen

Mark Bellissimo, direktør for Organizing Committee of the FEI World Equestrian Games™ Tryon 2018 og for Tryon International Equestrian Center, er i dag stolt af at kunne annoncere et partnerskab med Helgstrand Dressage og af at kunne byde Helgstrand Dressage velkommen som den officielle sponsor af dressurdisciplinen ved FEI World Equestrian Games™ Tryon 2018 (WEG) – sådan lyder det i en officiel pressemeddelelse fra arrangementskommitteen bag WEG i dag. 

– Det er os en stor ære at præsentere Helgstrand Dressage som titelsponsor ved WEG og samtidig annoncere et milepælspartnerskab med dem ved andre af vores events, der vil være til stor kommerciel værdi for dressursporten, udtaler Mark Bellissimo og fortsætter: –  Deres engagement i sporten har stor betydning for at styrke fremtiden og fortsætte udbredelsen af dressurdisciplinen, og vi er begejstrede over at have deres støtte ved denne ikoniske globale begivenhed. Vi glæder os til at udvikle vores partnerskab med Helgstrand Dressage, da de fortsætter med at vokse på denne side af Atlanterhavet og rundt om i verden.

Dressurekvipager fra 33 forskellige lande skal konkurrere ved WEG, og foreløbigt har ti af de udvalgte heste en nær relation til Helgstrand Dressage, hvilket sikrer deres status som verdensledende inden for uddannelse og salg af kvalitetsdressurheste. Dressuren ved WEG vil blive afviklet på USA Trust Arena i løbet af 12.-16. september. Det drejer sig om Grand Prix (holdkonkurrence og individuel konkurrence) onsdag den 12. og torsdag den 13. september. Grand Prix Special afvikles fredag den 14. september, og der afsluttes med Grand Pix Kür søndag den 16. september.

– Vi er stolte over at være blevet titelsponsor for dressuren ved World EEquestrian Games, og vi er glade for at have ydet et vigtigt bidrag til listen over deltagende heste til dette enorme stævne. Ridesporten og især dressurdisciplinen udvikler sig konstant, og det er vores ambition at støtte udviklingen ved løbende at levere verdensklasseheste til rytterne,  siger Andreas Helgstrand, grundlægger af og direktør i Helgstrand Dressage.

Nyheden fortsætter efter annoncen

Helgstrand Dressage beskæftiger 70 ansætte i deres afdelinger i Danmark, Tyskland og nu USA. Helgstrand Dressage er blevet synonym med succes i avl og sport og har produceret mere end 350 topheste i det seneste årti. Nu har virksomheden sat sig for at give noget tilbage til dressurverdenen og udvider med forretning i Nordamerika med målet om at blive fremtidens leverandør til dressurryttere i verdensklasse. 

Partnerskabet med Helgstrand Dressage vil ud over titelsponsoratet ved WEG 2018 også omfatte tilstedeværelse på de store ridesteder, der drives af Tryon Equestrian Partners og Wellington Equestrian Partners. Helgstrand Dressage lancerede deres nordamerikanske virksomhed sidste vinter i Wellington, Florida, hvor de oplevede en stor succes og introducerede en masse topdressurportsheste til det nordamerikanske marked.





Helgstrand Dressage Named Title Sponsor of Dressage Discipline at FEI World Equestrian Games™ Tryon 2018.

TRYON, NC, USA - September 2, 2018 - Mark Bellissimo, CEO of Tryon International Equestrian Center and the Organizing Committee of the FEI World Equestrian Games™ Tryon 2018 is proud to announce an unprecedented partnership with Helgstrand Dressage, welcoming them as the Official Discipline Sponsor of Dressage at the FEI World Equestrian Games™ Tryon 2018 (WEG) and a significant expanded presence at Palm Beach International Equestrian Center (PBIEC), the Adequan® Global Dressage Festival (AGDF) and Tryon International Equestrian Center (TIEC). The WEG has the potential to be the largest sporting event in North Carolina history with over $400 million dollars of projected economic impact over the 13-day event in September 2018 and is slated to be one of the largest sporting events in the United States in 2018. TIEC and PBIEC are two of the largest operating equestrian facilities in the world and host international and national Dressage competition in both locations.
"We are incredibly honored to present Helgstrand Dressage as title discipline sponsor for Dressage at the FEI World Equestrian Games and announce a landmark partnership with their brand and business at our other venues, which will be a huge commercial advance for the sport of Dressage," said Mark Bellissimo, Managing Partner of Tryon Equestrian Partners and CEO of Tryon International Equestrian Center. "Their involvement in the sport has been impactful, playing a significant role in solidifying the future and continued expansion of the discipline and we are thrilled to have their support at this iconic global event.We look forward to evolving our partnership with Helgstrand Dressage as they continue to grow on this side of the Atlantic and around the world."
Athletes from 33 different countries have been named to the FEI Nominated Dressage Entries List, set to compete at WEG, with ten horses currently selected having strong ties to Helgstrand Dressage, securing their status as a global leader in the production and sale of quality Dressage horses. The discipline itself will take place in U.S. Trust Arena over the course of four days, from September 12-16. The schedule includes Grand Prix Team and Individual competition on Wednesday, September 12 and Thursday, September 13. The Grand Prix Special will be held on Friday, September 14, and will conclude with the spectacular Grand Pix Freestyle on Sunday, September 16, which will air live on the Olympic Channel, part of NBC Sports Group.
"We are proud that Helgstrand Dressage has been named title sponsor of the Dressage discipline at the FEI World Equestrian Games, and we are excited to have made a significant contribution to the list of participating horses at this grand event as well. The equestrian scene as such and the Dressage discipline in particular are constantly evolving, and it is our ambition to support the development by continuously supplying world-class horses for the athletes," said Andreas Helgstrand, founder and CEO of Helgstrand Dressage."
Helgstrand Dressage employs 70 employees with operations in Germany, Denmark, and now the United States. Helgstrand Dressage has become a name synonymous with success in the breeding and competition industry, producing more than 350 top horses over the last decade. Now, the company has its eye set on giving back to the Dressage community, expanding into North America with aspirations of becoming the "supplier of the future" for world-class Dressage athletes.
The partnership with Helgstrand Dressage will expand beyond the FEI World Equestrian Games™ Tryon 2018, with presence at the major equestrian venues operated by Tryon Equestrian Partners and the Wellington Equestrian Partners. Helgstrand Dressage launched their North American-based business venture this past season in Wellington, FL, which saw incredible success and a massive introduction of top dressage sport horses to the North American market.

About Helgstrand Dressage
Helgstrand Dressage is a top modern sales and training centre for around 250 elite dressage horses and currently employees 70 people in Denmark, Germany and the US.
In 2008, Andreas Helgstrand together with the Danish team won Olympic Bronze and amongst countless highlights, Helgstrand Dressage has won 13 medals at the World Championships for Young Horses over the years.
In 2017 Helgstrand Dressage established activities in Wellington, US, and opened a stallion station in Germany. A show jump stable partnership with Rolf-Göran Bengtsson was launched in 2018 and a jewellery brand, Helgstrand Denmark, was launched in 2015 under Marianne Helgstrand's design leadership.

About the Tryon International Equestrian Center
Tryon International Equestrian Center at Tryon Resort, host of the FEI World Equestrian Games™ Tryon 2018, is one of the world's premier equestrian lifestyle destinations, with first-class facilities for all eight FEI disciplines. From carousel to competition, the mission of Tryon Resort is to celebrate the magic of the horse, grow equestrian sport, and increase access to this majestic animal. Tryon Resort is a spring, summer and fall haven for equestrian competitors and enthusiasts, and a year-round destination for connoisseurs of diverse cuisine and shopping, lodging getaways, and family entertainment. Learn more at www.Tryon.com.
About the FEI World Equestrian Games™
The FEI World Equestrian Games™, held every four years in the middle of the summer Olympic cycle, is the property of the Fédération Equestre Internationale (FEI), the world governing body for horse sport organized by the International Olympic Committee (IOC). It is one of the biggest events on the global sporting calendar, combining World Championships in the Olympic disciplines of Jumping, Dressage and Eventing, the Paralympic discipline of Para-Equestrian Dressage, as well as Driving, Endurance, Vaulting and Reining.
The inaugural FEI World Equestrian Games™ were hosted in Stockholm (SWE) in 1990. Since then the Games have been staged in The Hague (NED) in 1994, Rome (ITA) in 1998, Jerez (ESP) in 2002, and Aachen (GER) in 2006. The first Games to be organized outside Europe were the Alltech FEI World Equestrian Games™ in Kentucky (USA) 2010. The Games came back to Europe for the 2014 edition, the Alltech FEI World Equestrian Games™ in Normandy (FRA), which attracted more than 500,000 on-site spectators and a worldwide television audience of 350 million, as well as delivering an economic impact of €368 million to the French economy.
Anna Pørtner

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