Ridesporten er sikret ved OL 2020 og 2024

11-06-2017 14:19

Det er en fantastisk nyhed for international ridesport, at dressur, military og springning er sikret på det olympiske program frem til 2024

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Nyheden fortsætter efter annoncen

Der har det sidste års tid ulmet en uro over, hvorvidt ridesporten i fremtiden forbliver på det olympiske program. Man har diskuteret om, ridesporten trækker tilstrækkelige sertal til, at de store internationale tv-stationer vil dække begivenheden, hvilken er nødvendigt for opnå den fornødne sponsorstøtte.

FEI's formand Ingmar De Vos har nu modtaget en bekræftelse fra Den Olympiske Komite på, at ridesport er på programmet for de Olympiske Lege i 2024, og at komitéen også har godkendt FEI's forslag til et nyt format i ridesporten ved OL 2020 i Tokyo.

Det nye format lyder på hold bestående af tre ryttere (i hver af de tre ridediscipliner dressur, military og springning), hvor alle tre rytteres resultat tæller, og dermed ikke nogen drop score, og samtidig vil der være en reserveekvipage ved sygdomsfrafald. De mindre hold vil give flere nationer mulighed for deltagelse.

Nyheden fortsætter efter annoncen

– Den Olympiske Komites beslutning beviser, at vores velvilje til at tilpasse og modernisere vores sport og hele arbejdsindsatsen heri har været umagen værd, udtaler Ingmar De Vos.

Mens næste OL i 2020 finder sted i Tokyo, Japan, er kandidaterne for 2024 og 2028 Paris i Frankrig og Los Angeles i USA.

Se FEI's pressemeddelelse herunder.


Equestrian sport is safe for now and will be included in Tokyo 2020 and 2024 Olympics

The FEI President has welcomed today’s confirmation by the IOC that equestrian sport will be in the Olympic programme for the 2024 Games and approval of the Olympic formats submitted by the FEI for the Tokyo 2020 Games. The quota for equestrian at the 2020 Games remains unchanged.

“The IOC’s confirmation of equestrian on the Olympic programme for the 2024 Games and approval of the new formats for Tokyo 2020 is a direct acknowledgement of our willingness to adapt and modernise our sport, so all the work to drive change and increase universality has been worthwhile”, FEI President Ingmar De Vos said.

“Approval of the formats for Tokyo means that we can now increase the number of flags in equestrian sport in line with the Agenda 2020 recommendations. With more than 30,000 athletes registered to compete in our three Olympic disciplines – and the numbers are growing every year – our new formats mean that athletes from more countries than ever before will now have the opportunity of one day realising their dream of representing their country at the Olympic Games.”

The new formats include teams of three and no drop score across the Olympic disciplines (Eventing, Dressage and Jumping) and the use of reserve athletes (horses and riders) for medical reasons. The format changes were approved by the FEI’s member National Federations at last year’s FEI General Assembly in Tokyo (JPN) following almost two years of consultation.

“It wasn’t easy for our community to make such drastic changes to our Olympic formats, but the National Federations knew the importance of this decision and ultimately supported the proposed changes. Their willingness to embrace this change is without any doubt the reason we have got this fantastic news from the IOC today.”

Ingmar De Vos also welcomed today’s confirmation of the IOC Executive Board’s unanimous approval of a working group recommendation that both the 2024 and 2028 Games be awarded later this year. The recommendation will be voted on at an IOC Extraordinary Session in Lausanne (SUI) next month and, if passed, the two Games will then be allocated at the IOC Session in Lima (PER) in mid-September, with Paris (FRA) and Los Angeles (USA) as the two candidate cities.

“We have visited the equestrian venues at Paris and Los Angeles and we’re really excited to know that they will be hosting the next two editions of the Games after Tokyo 2020, as they both offer a fantastic opportunity to showcase our sport. We will have an iconic venue in Paris, as equestrian will be staged in the grounds of Versailles, with the chateau as a truly spectacular backdrop not only for the stadium, but also for the cross country. And for Los Angeles we will be in the beautiful Sepulveda Basin, just 15 minutes from the Athletes Village, on the site of an existing golf course.

“Both venues provide us with a great opportunity to deliver the Games in a cost-effective way and, as France and the United States have a long and successful equestrian tradition, there will be huge public support for our sport.”

FEI press release

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