ID Number: 208333DW2046728
Age: 4 year
Height: 165 cm
Dressage: Ridden
Color: Black
Breed: Danish Warmblood
Gender: Mare/filly
Horse data: Results from shows, breeding value and much, much more
Price level 23500 - 33500 EUR
S: FOR ROMANCE I (DE433334054009) SS: FÜRST ROMANCIER (DE433331650604) SSS: FÜRST HEINRICH (DE341411680498)
SSD: RONJA (DE333331015593)
SD: GESINA (DE433331530505) SDS: SIR DONNERHALL I (DE433330038601)
SDD: GESINE (DE433330082902)
D: FLO'RI (208333DW0808287) DS: FLORENCIO I (DE341411716999) DSS: FLORESTAN I (DE343435126286)
DSD: WALESSA (DE341413103492)
DD: REGANA (DE331316696899) DDS: REGAZZONI (DVH 721)
DDD: DAJANA (DE331316744995)
This pedigree is approved by the the Knowledge Centre for Agriculture, Horses

Sellers's comments

Spændende 4 års sort hoppe sælges.
Kåret i RDH, gode røntgenbilleder (Ben, ryg og hals)
Sælges for avler, kontakt gerne Marie for mere info TLF 40214447

Seller's information

Stable/Stud farm: Witt Horses | Vis på kort
Name: Marie Witt Poulsen
Address: Villemoesvej 6
Postal code.: 7560
City: Hjerm
Country: Denmark
Mobile: 40214447

Boarding address

Postal code: 7560
City: Hjerm
Country: Denmark