Keizerskroon Finn

ID-nummer: 528017201400116
Alder: 11 år
Stangmål: 144 cm
Dressur: S
Race: Welsh
Køn: Vallak
Prisniveau 500 - 1.000.000 DKK
Far: Pippin's Pride AT FF: Wengelo's Ricardo FFF: Coelenhage's Purioso
FFM: Wengelo's Queeny
FM: Orchard Orange Pippin FMF: Aester El Nino
FMM: Orchard Wielkanoc
Mor: Leuns Veld's Orienta 9900594 MF: Verona's Bo-Gi MFF: Vita Nova's Celesto
MFM: Thrianta´s Nathalie
MM: Leuns Veld's Heidi MMF: Kooihuster Folkert
MMM: Molenhof's Ilonka


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Sælgers kommentarer

The absolute best pony is now for sale, a true gentleman who truly gives his all to his rider - "Finny"

Finny is a very nice pony, easy to travel with, used to big competitions, not spooky, are in the Swedish national team and have scores over 70% international.
There is no injury history and clean x-rays, he is perfectly healthy.

We have had Finn for 2.5 years and together with the rider Ebba they has made it to the Swedish national team, they have competed internationally, competed in Falsterbo freestyle and won Team Swedish Championship gold.
He loves to work, loves new places, a very uncomplicated pony!

We love him very much and want the best for him, we are looking for a 5-star home. Finn is located in Stockholm, Sweden.
For more photos and videos please see Ebbas instagram "ebbasodermalm".

Only serious requests , please contact me by e-mail for more information:

Price is 70000 Euro

Sælgers informationer

Navn: jessika södermalm
Adresse: Kalvsviksvägen 25
Postnr.: 13795
Land: Sverige
Telefon: +46733834943
Mobil: +46733834943


Postnr.: 13795
Land: Sverige